5049: Contact War

We made this cartridge art for Famicase 2018, a Japanese art exhibition where designers and illustrators are asked to create art for a fictional Famicom (NES) game. 5049: Contact War takes place in the same universe as our STARDECK playing cards – you might recognize these characters from the Jack of Hearts and Queen of Clubs!

  • Client(s) Lunar Saloon
  • Year 2018

Stranded light-years from Earth, H-48 and Admiral Kare must build and manage their colony site while defending it from the planet's hostile aliens. Can you help them survive until reinforcements arrive?

We used this piece as chance to experiment with our usual process. After the illustration and colors were finalized in Adobe Illustrator, we printed the image, traced it, and scanned those pencil marks back in, incorporating them throughout the entire piece.